A man got into a bus and found himself sitting next to a youngster who was obviously a hippy. He was only wearing one shoe.
"You've evidently lost a shoe, son."
"No man," came the reply," I found one."
It is evident to me;
That does not mean it is true.
Adapted from The Prayer of the Frog
Friday, June 3, 2011
Tuesday, May 10, 2011
Yes it is MIA claudia here.
As of right now, I am still in my hospital scrubs, and sitting here, reading all your entries and just loving all the updates and missing you guys. I have yet to bathe, I probably have half the hospital germs on me, but I really just cannot move, i feel like a lob of jelly.
So yes,I just knocked off, came home, ate a few muffins cos i was starving, watched Glee (also still in my scrubs), and now here i am. I PROMISE to bathe soon, i just can't get my butt moving.
Anyway, so, even though work has been tiring, i really enjoy my work, my colleagues, my department etc. I am left with 2.5 more weeks as a student and soon I will be officially a Registered Nurse:)
Am also looking forward to my little Mother-Daughter holiday with my mom to London and Paris!
Okay, the end of my update for the night.
Just be safe, wear seat belts in your car, and dont drink and drive. --> seen horrific cases, be safe guys. Oh and pls dont jay walk and look left and look right when crossing roads too. Road Traffic Accidents are painful, horrible, and so common here in Singapore. seen much.
be safe, eat healthy, live life, smile and enjoy your week.
Yes it is MIA claudia here.
As of right now, I am still in my hospital scrubs, and sitting here, reading all your entries and just loving all the updates and missing you guys. I have yet to bathe, I probably have half the hospital germs on me, but I really just cannot move, i feel like a lob of jelly.
So yes,I just knocked off, came home, ate a few muffins cos i was starving, watched Glee (also still in my scrubs), and now here i am. I PROMISE to bathe soon, i just can't get my butt moving.
Anyway, so, even though work has been tiring, i really enjoy my work, my colleagues, my department etc. I am left with 2.5 more weeks as a student and soon I will be officially a Registered Nurse:)
Am also looking forward to my little Mother-Daughter holiday with my mom to London and Paris!
Okay, the end of my update for the night.
Just be safe, wear seat belts in your car, and dont drink and drive. --> seen horrific cases, be safe guys. Oh and pls dont jay walk and look left and look right when crossing roads too. Road Traffic Accidents are painful, horrible, and so common here in Singapore. seen much.
be safe, eat healthy, live life, smile and enjoy your week.
Saturday, April 16, 2011
Ivan Works a Lot
Hey everyone!
Well as you probably know I've started work, just finished my first day actually. Was pretty tiring because I didn't have a good sleep the day before, probably due to being excited or whatever.
The day was like most first days go, I suppose. A lot of administration, and a lot to adapt to. But it all went smoothly; all the paperwork, getting the pass (look ghastly in my photo again haha), all the briefings, making the rounds being introduced as the new guy, setting up of my work station...
Can't remember half the names of the people I met today, but the office atmosphere is pretty chill and the boss and colleagues are great as well. Got the cubicle right outside the boss's door so still have to be on my toes hahaha.
So yeah thank God for a hassle-free first day at work. All I need are His mercies every day to see me through.
Good news also is that my weekends seem unlikely to be touched, so yay. My boss told me straight up he's not a big fan of overtimes so my weeknights may end up being available too, if it ain't the busy period. Good to know.
@Esther: wow, you provide the most awesome updates. :) Cheers to the new life in Christ! yeah different people experience the Holy Spirit differently when they are filled - sometimes peace, sometimes joy, sometimes warmth, sometimes crying. Do desire greatly to be filled by the Spirit (sometimes we long-time Christians get dry and forget that) but also remember that what counts is to allow the Holy Spirit to shape your life to become more like Christ. Ultimately that is the test of the Holy Spirit: by the fruit we produce in our lives. Anyhow very encouraged by your sharing!
@Eunice: No attacks was because there were no birthdays in Feb/Mar (besides Pei Xuan) right?
@Keri: hahaha thanks
@Kenneth: keep persevering through those difficult spiritual times. sorry i haven't responded to your latest sms haha still reflecting about it. you know we're all still around if you need someone to talk to.
Well as you probably know I've started work, just finished my first day actually. Was pretty tiring because I didn't have a good sleep the day before, probably due to being excited or whatever.
The day was like most first days go, I suppose. A lot of administration, and a lot to adapt to. But it all went smoothly; all the paperwork, getting the pass (look ghastly in my photo again haha), all the briefings, making the rounds being introduced as the new guy, setting up of my work station...
Can't remember half the names of the people I met today, but the office atmosphere is pretty chill and the boss and colleagues are great as well. Got the cubicle right outside the boss's door so still have to be on my toes hahaha.
So yeah thank God for a hassle-free first day at work. All I need are His mercies every day to see me through.
Good news also is that my weekends seem unlikely to be touched, so yay. My boss told me straight up he's not a big fan of overtimes so my weeknights may end up being available too, if it ain't the busy period. Good to know.
@Esther: wow, you provide the most awesome updates. :) Cheers to the new life in Christ! yeah different people experience the Holy Spirit differently when they are filled - sometimes peace, sometimes joy, sometimes warmth, sometimes crying. Do desire greatly to be filled by the Spirit (sometimes we long-time Christians get dry and forget that) but also remember that what counts is to allow the Holy Spirit to shape your life to become more like Christ. Ultimately that is the test of the Holy Spirit: by the fruit we produce in our lives. Anyhow very encouraged by your sharing!
@Eunice: No attacks was because there were no birthdays in Feb/Mar (besides Pei Xuan) right?
@Keri: hahaha thanks
@Kenneth: keep persevering through those difficult spiritual times. sorry i haven't responded to your latest sms haha still reflecting about it. you know we're all still around if you need someone to talk to.
Sunday, April 3, 2011
My experience with God today
Hellooo! :) well since I can't study I decided to blog.
Today Maween Keri and I went to Church of Our Saviour in the early morning at around 8.30 am because there was this really cool guest speaker called Patricia King. And so when it was time for the alter call, I went up because I wanted to know Jesus, and to be filled with the Holy Spirit. And as we were praying, I suddenly felt this big giant lump of emotions just swelling at my chest. It's quite indescribable because I don't really know what it was either. It wasn't sad or anything, but whatever it was, it was really overwhelming, and I just burst out crying. I didn't even know why I was crying! Haha. It really felt like something was pulling me, and at the same time stirring at my heart.
Wow even as I'm writing this, I'm thinking, did that really happen?
Maybe it was the Holy Spirit, but whatever it was, it was epic. In a cool way.
XX Esther
Today Maween Keri and I went to Church of Our Saviour in the early morning at around 8.30 am because there was this really cool guest speaker called Patricia King. And so when it was time for the alter call, I went up because I wanted to know Jesus, and to be filled with the Holy Spirit. And as we were praying, I suddenly felt this big giant lump of emotions just swelling at my chest. It's quite indescribable because I don't really know what it was either. It wasn't sad or anything, but whatever it was, it was really overwhelming, and I just burst out crying. I didn't even know why I was crying! Haha. It really felt like something was pulling me, and at the same time stirring at my heart.
Wow even as I'm writing this, I'm thinking, did that really happen?
Maybe it was the Holy Spirit, but whatever it was, it was epic. In a cool way.
XX Esther
Sunday, March 27, 2011
hello all! YES I MANAGED TO SIGN IN! somehow. hahaha.
anyway, i was just wondering...WHAT HAPPENED TO ALL OUR ORIOLE OTTACKS! hahaha
anyway, i was just wondering...WHAT HAPPENED TO ALL OUR ORIOLE OTTACKS! hahaha
Born Again.
Hi guys,
today as I was going home with Maween and her dad, he realised I hadn't said the sinner's prayer yet and committed my life to God. I remember saying it once with the Alpha group but back then it wasn't sincere.
So halfway while driving home, we stopped at the Holland Village car park and did a mini prayer session there.
Heeheheeehehehhehehehhehe cheers to the 'new' me! :D
today as I was going home with Maween and her dad, he realised I hadn't said the sinner's prayer yet and committed my life to God. I remember saying it once with the Alpha group but back then it wasn't sincere.
So halfway while driving home, we stopped at the Holland Village car park and did a mini prayer session there.
Heeheheeehehehhehehehhehe cheers to the 'new' me! :D
Wednesday, March 2, 2011
I'm injured +_x
This is Kenneth reporting that he's currently on crutches and has just undergone one wisdom tooth extraction.
On Monday I fell while riding motorcycle.
We were practicing, and clocking mileage. We are supposed to ride at least 1000km before we are qualified to ride overseas. And we intend to ride overseas in a couple of months time.
We were riding around Maju Camp's 1km route say 40 times? And theres a part near warehouses where theres relatively big empty spaces to ride, maneuver.
And so foolish Kenneth decided to - this was partly for confidence and skill training and partly for fun - do some figure of 8's in the empty space. I think I was at 20-25km/h speed. Sharp turns. And unfortunately for some reason (I'm thinking my wheel was on a metal drain - less friction - at the sharpest point of a turn and I think I felt some bump) my front wheel lost its grip on the ground for a sec or so and a reflex action made me turn the bike the other way and I was able to recover balance for a while (I was trained to ride in cross country terrain) but my bike was jerky and it fell the other side. I dunno what hit what but I knew my right foot was pain. I suppose the bike slammed on my foot. The middle portion top part of my foot. I was wearing boots. But no ankle protection whatsoever. My right mirror was cracked into half. I got up after a short pause and continued riding. After one 1km we stopped riding. In two hours time I couldn't walk. I hopped or was piggy backed everywhere. You can ask Gabriel Sim, he saw me.
I went to NUH A&E at night and thankfully the X-ray showed no signs of fracture.
I was expecting a minor fracture. The pain was constantly there. I couldnt move my foot much.
The next morning I went for wisdom tooth extraction. A bit scary at first. With a somewhat stressed mood from my leg pain, I lay down at the operating bed and my body was covered with some sort of covering and my face was covered. Only my nose and mouth exposed and there was quite a bright light. Then the doctor said, "Ok its starting".
Whats starting? Felt like I was on a death bed for a moment.
But, it was ok. I'm an army boy man. Infantry Scout. Turn check "bang" check "Pain is glory" used to be what we said when we were "kelua barised". (you prolly dont understand but nvm)
A few weeks ago I went to a 2.5 day medic course. They showed us some gross pictures of people. People still alive without a nose or mouth. People with their arms ripped off and the armpit and lung area exposed. Someone who had one side of his face's flesh ripped off my the road in some motorbike accident. Sry for being explicit.
And I knew I was going to start riding motorcycle the next week. I had not ridden motorcycle for more than half a year. I dreamt that I lost balance while riding bike. Just a faint dream. But it came true. Thank God it wasn't serious.
Wednesday, February 23, 2011
In Time This Too Shall Pass

Heyhey Oriole:)
KJ here!
Just wanted to say that exam stress has gone away and i need someone to TEACH me the whole chapter of magnetism for Physics. Anyone keen? haha. Gay etacher dont wanna teach me!
Anyway I'm not as stressed as i was previously even though my L1R5 is gonna be quite bad this term, i'm coming to accept it, OUCHY.
I hope ya'll are fine. And I saw this tatttoo and was like yeah... Soon Imma be a free bird going out by the end of next week. So yeah. Kinda sad I mucked up my Amath Exam soooo badly. I was gonna get an A1 and now I think I'm only gonna get a b3:(
I estimate my L1R5 is gonna be 18. Oh well. Thank God it isn't 20 because my parents will murder me. HAHA.
Much Loves and make everyday count!
Tuesday, February 15, 2011
Nursing Life
Hello people,
surprise surprise!!
Well, it's been a long journey for me but my attachment in TTSH is almost over and just thought i'd share some interesting things to you guys.
You all know i havent been going to church lately thanks to my nursing job and fatigue and sickness and other excuses, etc etc. But i can say when i'm done with this, i guess i'll be seeing you guys around church more often.
Anyway, wow what can i say, nursing life really is darn interesting. Meeting all sorts of people and seeing all sorts of cases. But i'd like to share with you guys one particular case, for interest sake.
In a C-class ward (12D, the ward i was in) you'll have about 6 cubicles with 6 patient in each room. A minium of 2 staff nurse will be assign to 2 cublicles (12 patients) and yes, it's a lot of work. On a particular day, there was a shortage of nurses and i had to help out another team and had a total of 18 patients under my care. So while i was busy doing my work and stuff, a patient started having a really bad cough. We call it a smokers cough, or chronic cough. He was a trachea patient (go google it) and had cancer. His upper respiratory tract was removed, which meant his only source of breathing was the hole in his throat. He had a tube inside and stitched to keep it intact. Blood was trickling down his throat and i alerted a staff nurse (AN - Claud you noe what an AN is right? Haha), and she just said must be due to the stitches.
*cough cough* and i saw something fly, *cough cough* and when i turned, blood was everywhere. His tube was the flying object and, if i'm not wrong, it forcefully opened a hole in his throat which exposed his atrial vien. If you know your science you should know what happened next. The curtain was quickly drawn for privacy and to prevent blood from squirting to other people. By then his shirt and sarong was already soaked and there was a pool of blood forming on the floor.
Haha, okay i cannot really reviel what happened next because it's too long and will be quite confusing. But blood was really everywhere, on nurses, bed and clothes soaked with it, on curtains and even on our emergency trolley. He did managed to survive and is currently in ICU. That was one of the worst case i've seen and one of the most exciting, i also found out i work well under pressure so cheers to me. Haha.
In addition to learning nursing stuff, i also learned about politics in the ward and the basic, first impressions. They are both very important in the working world and dont get invovled in it, because i almost got kicked out of TTSH thanks to that. The only people in my ward that didnt like me was my preceptors and they were the ones who were grading me and at the same time, gossiping and sprouting lies and what not to the higher ups. But God is gracious and the patients and staff likes me there. Always encouraging me and watching my back, giving advice to help me as my preceptors werent willing to teach me. Patients were nice enough to write in complement letters for me and feedbacks in the feedback form.
So i really have to thank God in this because i almost got kicked out of a government hospital and you can imagine where my nursing life would be heading then. A meeting was called to decide if i would stay or go and that was a huge turning moment, the decision to stay or go would affect my future and what i would become. For the older people, you should know what happens when a second chance is given also right? How they watch over you and everything.
But yeah, all in all, i really enjoyed myself and i have to say this is what God has planned for me. I finished O-level not knowing where to go, but he showed me the way. I face many struggles and hardship in the hospital, but he showed me the way. I've been yelled at, screamed by patients or their family, but all i did was laugh and smile, because they were going to die soon. Haha, kidding. I just kept my patience and i really think nursing is a good place for hot-tempered people.
And i'm not implying i'm a hot tempered person.
So cheers and enjoy your studying, you'll miss it when it's gone. Oh and dont smoke.
surprise surprise!!
Well, it's been a long journey for me but my attachment in TTSH is almost over and just thought i'd share some interesting things to you guys.
You all know i havent been going to church lately thanks to my nursing job and fatigue and sickness and other excuses, etc etc. But i can say when i'm done with this, i guess i'll be seeing you guys around church more often.
Anyway, wow what can i say, nursing life really is darn interesting. Meeting all sorts of people and seeing all sorts of cases. But i'd like to share with you guys one particular case, for interest sake.
In a C-class ward (12D, the ward i was in) you'll have about 6 cubicles with 6 patient in each room. A minium of 2 staff nurse will be assign to 2 cublicles (12 patients) and yes, it's a lot of work. On a particular day, there was a shortage of nurses and i had to help out another team and had a total of 18 patients under my care. So while i was busy doing my work and stuff, a patient started having a really bad cough. We call it a smokers cough, or chronic cough. He was a trachea patient (go google it) and had cancer. His upper respiratory tract was removed, which meant his only source of breathing was the hole in his throat. He had a tube inside and stitched to keep it intact. Blood was trickling down his throat and i alerted a staff nurse (AN - Claud you noe what an AN is right? Haha), and she just said must be due to the stitches.
*cough cough* and i saw something fly, *cough cough* and when i turned, blood was everywhere. His tube was the flying object and, if i'm not wrong, it forcefully opened a hole in his throat which exposed his atrial vien. If you know your science you should know what happened next. The curtain was quickly drawn for privacy and to prevent blood from squirting to other people. By then his shirt and sarong was already soaked and there was a pool of blood forming on the floor.
Haha, okay i cannot really reviel what happened next because it's too long and will be quite confusing. But blood was really everywhere, on nurses, bed and clothes soaked with it, on curtains and even on our emergency trolley. He did managed to survive and is currently in ICU. That was one of the worst case i've seen and one of the most exciting, i also found out i work well under pressure so cheers to me. Haha.
In addition to learning nursing stuff, i also learned about politics in the ward and the basic, first impressions. They are both very important in the working world and dont get invovled in it, because i almost got kicked out of TTSH thanks to that. The only people in my ward that didnt like me was my preceptors and they were the ones who were grading me and at the same time, gossiping and sprouting lies and what not to the higher ups. But God is gracious and the patients and staff likes me there. Always encouraging me and watching my back, giving advice to help me as my preceptors werent willing to teach me. Patients were nice enough to write in complement letters for me and feedbacks in the feedback form.
So i really have to thank God in this because i almost got kicked out of a government hospital and you can imagine where my nursing life would be heading then. A meeting was called to decide if i would stay or go and that was a huge turning moment, the decision to stay or go would affect my future and what i would become. For the older people, you should know what happens when a second chance is given also right? How they watch over you and everything.
But yeah, all in all, i really enjoyed myself and i have to say this is what God has planned for me. I finished O-level not knowing where to go, but he showed me the way. I face many struggles and hardship in the hospital, but he showed me the way. I've been yelled at, screamed by patients or their family, but all i did was laugh and smile, because they were going to die soon. Haha, kidding. I just kept my patience and i really think nursing is a good place for hot-tempered people.
And i'm not implying i'm a hot tempered person.
So cheers and enjoy your studying, you'll miss it when it's gone. Oh and dont smoke.
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