Heyhey Oriole:)
KJ here!
Just wanted to say that exam stress has gone away and i need someone to TEACH me the whole chapter of magnetism for Physics. Anyone keen? haha. Gay etacher dont wanna teach me!
Anyway I'm not as stressed as i was previously even though my L1R5 is gonna be quite bad this term, i'm coming to accept it, OUCHY.
I hope ya'll are fine. And I saw this tatttoo and was like yeah... Soon Imma be a free bird going out by the end of next week. So yeah. Kinda sad I mucked up my Amath Exam soooo badly. I was gonna get an A1 and now I think I'm only gonna get a b3:(
I estimate my L1R5 is gonna be 18. Oh well. Thank God it isn't 20 because my parents will murder me. HAHA.
Much Loves and make everyday count!
Hey i can teach u magnetism! After a bit of revision.
ReplyDeleteI am going to be on MC next week (first week of march) except monday. Wisdom tooth extraction on tuesday.
And dun worry about your results so much... Try telling yourself: Don't worry about tomorrow. Today has enough trouble of its own.
KENNETH!!!!!! THURSDAY AFTERNOON CAN? oh you have to teach Aaron also btw but I think your physics quite pro!!! :))) ok I'm gonna try to get your contact.