Hey, actually I'm just posting to keep this blog going.
Someone post! I don't want to dominate this blog.
Keri and Ivan, I read your blogs btw.
Keri jia you for your studies! I can try helping you with math (I'll need a refresher for Amath) and physics stuff if you need. Yew Gin also.
My emotional (or spiritual?) well-being is stabilising. In my last few posts, I was scared of what will happen. I felt I was in an epic spiritual battle.
I used to be one of the most emo and sad ppl (last year) in my platoon. Now I think I'm one of the happier and positive ones. :) Yay!
I was supposed to get only one day off (this Friday) for burning the whole CNY in the airport. But I requested for another day off and we got it! So I'm off today and tomorrow.
But I was home the whole day today. I kept thinking, what should I do today? I wished to go out much but didn't know who I could go out with. So I didn't.
I got bored and felt down and troubled for a while...
Sometimes I can just get so quiet. And I hate it. I don't understand it.
Friendship is something key I want to invest my free time in army in. I need to. I'll be more busy with work in Uni later on.
Yesterday there was a small CNY celebration in Army. Surprisingly, all of us were given steamboat and "Lo Hei" to enjoy in Maju Camp. They put tables and chairs on the parade square and we were dressed in civilian clothing (shirt, jeans, belt) and we ate there. As we cooked the food, we were being cooked as well, by the scorching sun.
After that we went to some one-room flats for the elderly at Bukit Merah to give them some basic food like Milo, oranges. Felt weird. Its not a Church event.
In the evening I went to celebrate my Grandma's birthday. Thinking about it now, I think its the first time I ever did go and joined my Grandma's birthday celebration. As far as I can remember. My brother Keith and I went, my parents didn't go. And it was great. To me, it was a great time.
Next week I'm going (Tue - Thu) for some Medic course. I have to poke and get poked by a needle >.< (injection simulation).
The last week of Feb, I'm going to practice riding Motorcycle in army. I haven't rode since I passed out from driving course.
I'm going to take out my wisdom tooth (one side) on Tuesday, 1st March. I'll be on MC the rest of the week.
I'm going to either Taiwan or Thailand in June-July period.
I want to get a guitar. I know nuts about it but I'm probably going to get one. I can practice in my army bunk. (The bunk is the room with beds and cupboards for soldiers to stay in)
What guitar should I get?
I'm going to talk about books.
I read slowly and may have some mild reading disability but now I got a whole lot of (mostly) Christian books to read now.
I wasn't a reader. I only started after JC. When there was time.
Recently I kept getting stuck in this profound book "The Four Loves" by C.S. Lewis. I gave up.
I just started reading "Growing Deep in Faith" by Edmund Chan.
This is what I've got:
"The Conscience",
"Lord, I want to be Whole",
"The Reason for God",
"Loving God with all your Mind",
"The Pursuit of Holiness"
"Mentoring Paradigms"
"3096 Days" (by Natascha Kampusch)
"The Jesus I never knew"
"Building Left-Brain Power"
and my Devotional book: "My Utmost for His Highest"
(some Older Books I borrowed)
The whole Narnia Series
"Pray in the Spirit"
"Your Mind Matters"
" The Christian Family"
"The God who loves you" (an easier "replacement" for "The Four Loves")
"The Problem of Pain"
I also want to read "Surprised by Joy" and "The Screwtape Letters" (both by C.S. Lewis), "To Kill a Mockingbird" and some book like "Unlocking the Bible" which gives brief understanding to every book in the Bible.
So far the book (other than the Bible) most influential to my Christian ideas or knowledge of God is:
"Mere Christianity" by C.S. Lewis.
That made me a C.S. Lewis fan =p
The book that convicted me the most (maybe because I read that book during that time, somewhere in the middle of last year - thanks Claudia for lending it to me) is:
"Secondhand Jesus" by Glenn Packiam
Actually, "Manga Messiah" and "Manga Metamorphosis" convicted me a lot also. I remember times I couldn't help but cry (tear) reading those books. I think I learnt profound things in those seemingly simple books by actively putting myself in Jesus' and Paul's shoes.
The one book I constantly use for comfort:
"The Power of a Praying Teen" by Stormie Omartian.
Kenneth :)