Saturday, January 1, 2011

Dearest Oriole,

I am back! Well I had a really nice end to 2010 in Thailand Ban Chang, seeing familiar faces, painting and doing up Bethlehem House (an orphanage cum house for children at risk or orphans). The trip was a good balance between work and play, and of course foooood. :)

Meanwhile, it was very heartening to see the blog up and running and Orioleans blogging. haha.

First JYM of 2011 tomorrow, and as i was reflecting last Sunday during JYM about what we are thankful for, I was amazed at how much God has been faithful to EVERYONE, how He saw JYM through so much, and really looking around I see the place where i grew up, and the place where everyone else is home and also living life. We Oriole will have a fantastic year ahead together alright my loves?


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